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July 19, 2009 by

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Catching up on March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009 by
Started out heading over to the upper potholes reserve. Didn’t think to much of what layed ahead for the day. It was a little overcast, and didn’t seem like much was moving around. Starting back on the dirt road to get back into the lakes, I came upon this Meadowlark. He was singing like all of them I have heard lately. This time as I hiked around to try and get a better picture of him.Meadowlark in the grass
He walked me right up on this. A burrowing Owl hole. Well at least I think that was what it was. I didn’t smell a skunk, so that was out. I sat back for a hour watching to see if anything was going to pop out. But nothing did. I did mark the spot with some rocks near the road so I could check up on it again. I will have to wait and see what becomes of it.
burrowing owl hole2
Looking in, I really couldn’t tell if it was active.
Burrowing owl hole
This video is made available by the WDFW. These are the young burrowing owls coming out for a view of their new world.
Click here to watch this little video.
Then I came upon another Killdeer. This time it was flying close by to try and run me off. I decided to leave him alone and see what other types of birds had flown into the woods since the last time I was out here.
Well after walking a little ways, the new life came out at me. Tree Swallows seem to be all over in the trees and along the banks of the lake. Zipping here and there. Taking time to sit on the limbs and clean there feathers.
Tree swallow
Tree swallows3
Tree swallows2
Tree swallows4
With all the watchful eyes on me, I was having fun.
But then I came upon something really cool.
Trees full of Blue Herons. Wow! I knew the nest where here but didn’t expect to see this.I thought it was the nest of the Cormorants. Now looking up in the trees, I can see all of the Blue Herons standing in their nest. Oh now I had to catch my breath……….
Blue heron
As I watched them fly over my head on the way to catch fish. I could see how they move about. They would lift off from the trees and slowly fly in a circle as they climbed higher and higher. Then they would turn and soar off in the direction of the lakes. I use to watch eagles do this on the hot air given off by the refinery stacks. The one above has signs of an injury though. I thought it was a stick at first, but now that I have gotten the pictures home and zoomed in, I can see it is part of the foot turned upwards. Ouch, that has to hurt on landings.
blue heron
The Comorants were out too. Flying very low like a crop duster plane.
I wouldn’t see them until they popped up just before the trees on their way over. I looked pretty silly for sure. Turning around in circles scanning the skies looking for any that were on their way by. It was happening so fast. One after another, and they just kept coming. I was getting one hell of a work out trying to capture them on the way by.
I was shocked to see them flying from so far off and coming over me with a stick in there beaks. Wow they are into the building materials. LOL. Thought for sure it would be fish they would be bringing back with them.
This area is off limits unless you have a permit from the department of wildlife. So you can imagine what I have in the works right now. With some help from a really good friend, He has gotten the paperwork being processed. So hopefully the next time I get some shots here it will be a lot closer and personal. It will be great to capture some of the nesting habits of the Cranes and the Comorants. Until then I will keep my fingers crossed and my lenses clean. Have a great night.

Entry for March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009 by
I have been trying to work on the collection for my Bird Portfolio. So yesterday while Celeste was working on our investments, I headed out for a drive down to the Scooteney Reservoir. I wanted to see if I could capture some more of the birds that are showing up in the Basin. It was somewhere I had not been yet, so I was looking forward to seeing some new areas. I did see some really nice fish hitting on the surface of the water too. Made note of that so when I get my fishing licenses next month, I know where to head out too.
You can see things are starting to turn green here in the Columbia basin. With the heavy rains we got two days ago, and the showers we got last night. The planting season is quickly starting to take shape.
You can see all of the geese flying around the area too. Only thing that is a little different this time, is that most of them are heading north again. The spring Migration is well underway. I have been keeping my eyes wide open for the Sand Hill Cranes to start showing up. I have seen them in the northern state of Alaska, and now I get to see them on the start of their journey north.
Before getting to Scooteney Reservoir, I had to take aim at the hawks feeding in the grasses along the road. I decided that I am going to have to get a bummer sticker for my Car. It will say in big red letters, ” Watch out this car will stop for any flying bird.” Because I do pull over a lot. Thanks to the auto makers for installing rear view mirrors. Ha ha ha
Getting to the lake system, I was greeted by the Killdeer. They were all around the lake.
Seeing the bright colors around their eyes caught my attention for sure.
I got to watch them feeding along the shore of the lake. Walking around in the mud and diving their beaks deep into the mud for bits of food.
Killdeer feeding
Killdeer on watch
They were keeping a keen eye on what I was doing and where I was at. I am sure they have seen crazier things in their life. The least of which would be a dude with a camera working to capture their every move. He he he. Here you can see one as it flys away from me. Seeing how the color from its lower back really shows up.
Killdeer in flight
There is always a Magpie somewhere near by. That seems to be true anywhere around these areas of the basin.
The sounds that filled the air were great. I kept looking for what was making these wonderful sounds. Then I got lucky, and one showed it self. A meadowlark. Wow! What a wonderful song they sing.
Meadowlark in song
Not sure what this morning will bring to the camera, but I am sure it will be fun capturing it. Have a wonderful day.

Entry for March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009 by
Friday was a little windy here in Moses Lake, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying the patio. Celeste was working with all the seedlings, moving into the next step up cups. Me I just sat and enjoyed not being at work and the sunshine.
Even Karma was taking the weekend like most dogs do. Sleeping in the sun like a bum. Damn I wish I could get the mutts to cut the grass or something useful. LOL Well I shouldn’t say to much. I haven’t made much good use of my time either.
This morning started out very nice. Slept in till 6.30. Then got up and made some coffee. While I was sucking it down, I noticed a new color in the yard by the feeder. So that was all it took for me. Out on the patio with cup in hand and eyes wide open.
It was cool to see some new colors in the yard. Still not sure what type of bird this is. It looks a little like a western Tanager, Or some sort of Flycatcher. Hmmmm will keep looking to Id this one. The next one below is a European Starling. This one was cleaning up. Love all the little spots on the feathers. The farmers are not that happy with these birds. They can really do some damage to the crops. You see little tinsels tied on the plants to scare them away.RAP_5382
Then here is the Oregon Junco. See these birds all winter long.
And of course the American Robin.They are still taking over the area. In fact they go crazy even after dark. The sound file that is playing was after the sun went down Friday night. Wow, the darkness is broken with all the noise from these robins. Still standing their grounds ( or trees in this case ) and running off any other robins not of their choosing.RAP_5375
Now that the temperatures are staying above Freezing, I decided to put out the bird bath. Well I might have a hard time keeping it full of water though. As you can see there is another out to take a dip into the cold. Well that was a fun way to start the day. Now I am off to see what else pops up. Have a great weekend.
Now if you want to get a laugh to start the day with. Here is a video of a borrowing owls nest. You can see that there is a star to be here. Well maybe two. These Owls are not sure about this camera, and it shows in there actions. What is that thing? I am sure that is the feeling they are getting. Ha ha ha.
This video is made available by the WDFW.
Click here to watch this little video.

WDFW would like to extend special thanks to our contributors, sponsors and partners whose support makes this project and website possible.

Here is their web site.

Entry for March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009 by
Well my one day off is not going to happen this week. I will be putting in some overtime today. So before I head in to sleep, I start with some coffee and a walk about. I see the trees are flowing with sap and the swallows are belling up to the bar for drinks. I wondered what they were getting all worked up about. Now I know. RAP_5275
Right now anyone can join in for the drinks.
The robins look on, but they are more into a fruity snack to start the day with.

Entry for March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009 by
I was wondering last year how I was going to get all the cherries off the bush. Now I see I have friends in these parts.
Robin them Cherries
Hanging out
at no cost
There just seems to be no limits.

Entry for March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009 by
Waking up after my work week ended. Ahhhhhh hot coffee and great weather. Standing outside in my short pants and looking up at the trees. Click, now this is picture prefect for March 4th. Oh yeah! Cleaning up witht the robin
Robin cleaning itself
  Clean Robin

Robin in the hood

And then came the mourning Doves.
Mourning Dove

Mourning Dove

Mourning dove resting

Entry for March 03, 2009

March 3, 2009 by
Yesterday I finally got my car washed, and it needed it bad. I have been putting it off for a couple months. Being white it does not show the dirt that bad. But with all the rain and road trips, it was looking pretty bad. As you can see I was not the only one in line for a cleaning.RAP_4730
Now with that being said, up comes today. Yes it started out with a little twist, SNOW! I wasn’t the only one surprised by the white stuff. So too were the dogs. Having to sit outside and ruff it. LOL
But it didn’t stop the day from shinning in my eyes. For it only snowed the first few hours and then the sun came out. Seeing that, I decided to do a drive around. I had told Celeste that I was heading out later to do some shooting. I said I was going over to the sand dunes and see what was going on. She looked at me and said ” You are going to get your car all dirty this soon?” Well I laughed and said that is what keeps the economy moving, dirt, car washes, and drive abouts. Well I ended up not going for a drive about. Seems I liked the idea of keeping the car clean for more than one day.
So feeling a bit like this tree, I too went slowly into my day. Sitting around here and not having anything to do. How boring is that? Well if I was going to hang out, I might as well do some target practise. Seeings how all the robins are in the area. I mean all the Robins. LOL.
I figured what the hell. I will go out and see if I can shoot some. Making sure to keep my eyes wide open and sharp.
Bang! Got one!
Bang got two. Now this is not so bad. Boring yes but also a lot of fun.
Oh and there were these little guys too. Bang? Well no it was more like Click. Click. Click.
Well now Celeste came out of the house while I was standing in the drive way shooting away. Hey Hun what you up to? I asked. She replied I am going to pick up some glass for the frames. You want to come? For a second I thought about how boring my day was and what fun it would be to do a drive into to town. Then I said,,,, Nope you go ahead. I would be just sitting there with nothing to do. I will stay home and try and control my boredom for now. Be safe. Off she went then. Leaving me behind to wollow in my boredom.
I know I can never look back and change my mind now. It is me, boredom and being here in the yard with not very much too do. Oh well. I did hear an owl in the back somewhere. Maybe I can find him for some shots. Off I go, head up and bored to tears.
The little Tree Sparrows were watching me move. Knowi
ng that even they could not lively up myself. So on I went…….
And more Robins. Sigh……
There were a few jets flying around the basin too. Had to take a couple shots of them. What the hey. When your bored anything will help fill the void.
And Of course more geese flying over head. You could hear them all over the place. Man If I had only taken a drive today. Just think of all the cool chit I missed being stuck here at the house.

Thank Gawd! Night time finally got here. It has been a long boring day, but I hear that there is a comet in our skies right now. Now that is exciting. I can’t hardly wait to get out with the tripod and see something really cool. Well I hope you had a much more fun day than I did. Make sure and look up tonight. It might be a really awesome sight to see after all.

Entry for January 01, 2009

January 1, 2009 by

After going around and wishing everyone a happy new year, then having to deal with the slow speeds of 360. I decided that I will wish everyone a Happy New Year like this. Have fun this year. It will be a blast. &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp &nbsp 

Entry for December 22, 2008

December 22, 2008 by
Are you all ready?
Christmas is right around the corner. Today being the first day of winter. The shortest day of the year. Wow now it is time to start gaining and moving into the spring of 2009.
As you have seen and most likely seen, winter has come to the northwest with an attitude. LOL. With all the snow that has been hitting all around us. We have only today gotten some snow. Well snow that amounts to anything anyway. It is really cool too. No pun intended.
Started my day by plowing the road into our neighborhood. Hopefully it will make it a little easier for everyone just before the holiday gets here. Besides it was fun for me. LOL 



Getting the yard and drive way cleared before it gets to hard was fun. The temps are at 11 above 0. How nice is that? I think I can get to like this..


The tree is ready, and yes this year it is a real one. Didn’t have to worry about it freezing as we have in the past. Smells great too!


It marks Celeste and my 25th christmas together. SOOOOO to say the least there is a lot of time hanging on the tree. It is nice looking at all the crystals and thinking about when we got them and all the fun we had each year.

Christmas tree 08 upclose





You can see winter in everything that is going on around here too. With the open water becoming more crowded with each day, and the flocks of geese flying over head. Things are winding down.



Even the birds around the yard have stepped up with the feeder. They know it is coming so they are getting all they can.





I want to wish and everyone of you a very merry christmas and happy holiday. I hope no matter what you do this time of year, it comes safely and with lots of fun with family and friends. With that I can see that Karma is still keeping guard of the birds keeping the hawks at bay.


Merry Christmas
